The AGM is an opportunity to learn about what the Kyoto Chapter of JALT has been doing in 2024 and what we will be doing in 2025 to support your professional development. You can also meet your 2024-2025 officers and learn how you can get involved our efforts.
Discover how AI is reshaping language education in these thought-provoking presentations, each offering a unique perspective on integrating AI into the classroom. From exploring how tools like ChatGPT can support self-directed learning and empower both students and teachers, to investigating the use of AI as a feedback partner in writing education, these sessions shed light on the evolving relationship between technology and learning. Attendees will also gain insight into the broader implications of AI in English Language Teaching, examining its role as a valuable resource, a disruptive force, and a potential threat to academic integrity.
Too often I hear students complaining that their freedom of speech is being suppressed. I propose a community discussion sharing our sense of the atmosphere on our campuses. Is there robust exchange of views on controversial issues, or is there a sense that risky issues are taboo? Isn’t support for freedom of speech on campus essential for educating global citizens who are capable of expressing their views? If they do not get this practice now, how will they be prepared to deal with controversy in the real world after graduation? What is the best way to support them?
All meaning is multimodal and so our students must be multiliterate, but how do multimodality and multiliteracies fit in our teaching? Join the discussion for necessary background and examinations of contemporary teaching from around East Asia at this free online event.
The JALT Listening SIG Conference has been organized together with JALT Kyoto Chapter. The whole day event will showcase some of the latest listening research, teaching, and learning presentations from the field.
Delve into the intricacies of TESOL publishing, explore the fundamentals of journal submission processes, identify pertinent journals and embark on a transformative journal toward scholarly dissemination and professional growth.
Black Women, Intersectionality & ELT in Japan by Dr. Avril Haye Matsui (Aichi Prefectural University) and Am I coming out now? Building inclusive environments through strategic self-disclosure by Yaya Yao (Kyushu University)
日本における黒人女性、交差性、およびELT」Dr. Avril Haye Matsui(愛知県立大学)および「今、私は出ていますか?戦略的自己開示を通じた包括的な環境構築」Yaya Yao(九州大学)