The Kyoto JALT Review (archive)

The Kyoto JALT Review was an annual journal hosted by that aimed to publish articles related to language teaching and/or learning. The overarching theme for the articles it contains is a focus on practical research that those in the language teaching industry can truly utilize to improve language learning efficiency. The journal aimed to strike an optimum balance between practicality of results and empirical methodologies with the articles it published. The Kyoto JALT Review relied on anonymous peer review for vetting and proofing, and did not require those who submit articles to be JALT or Kyoto JALT members.
The Kyoto JALT Review is hosted by the Internet Archive.
Issue 1, 2013
- Clark, K. (2013). The Role of Motivation and Demotivation in Japanese EFL Learning (PDF file)
- Cook, M. (2013). You Say You Want a Revolution? Changing Japanese University Entrance Examinations (PDF file)
- Dizon, G. (2013). Class Weblog as an Online Community: Collaborative Learning through Blogging (PDF file)
- Rogers, J. (2013). On How to Identify Useful Collocations and the Multi-word Units They Occur In (PDF file)
- Stewart, T. (2013). Japan’s “Super Global” Push for Communicative English (PDF file)
Issue 2, 2014
- Daulton, F. (2014). Boutique words for the culturally savvy: The common Japanese loanwords in American English (PDF file)
- Rogers, J. (2014). On the Potential for Television to Improve Listening Comprehension (PDF file)
Issue 3, 2016
- Rogers, J. & Murray, B. (2016). On the Role of Semantic Transparency in Identifying High-frequency Collocations (PDF file)
- Florescu, C. (2016). Learner-customized Interactions: Introducing a Procedure for Acquiring English Using Web Resources (PDF file)
- Hinchey, D. (2016). Serendipitous Searching for Graded Readers (PDF file)