Story Listening and Emails – July 25th, 2021

This is a monthly event that features a Kyoto JALT member and afterwards, everyone is welcome to just hang out and have a few drinks. This might be a fun way to get your presentation out AND keep up with your colleagues and friends.
We are welcoming proposals at any time and will negotiate with the prospective speaker about a suitable month. Submit your proposals here.
July 25th Member Spotlight: Thomas Amundrud
How and why to help your students email you in English
One problem exposed by the sudden move to Emergency Remote Teaching in response to the
COVID crisis is the lack of effective training for EFL students in how to write professional
emails to their professors in L2 English. In this presentation, I will discuss a pedagogic
intervention I developed for teaching a basic English professional email format, and share
some of the results of this intervention in my classes. I will also show how this intervention
demonstrates the effectiveness of thinking about emails and other texts as genres, or how we
do things in society when we use language to do them.