Kansai 4-Corners: Exploring the Global and Local Dimensions of Narrative Inquiry in Language Teacher Identity Research
This event was co-sponsored by the Fukui, Kobe, Kyoto, Nara, and Osaka Chapters, and was held online as part of the 4-Corners Tour in which invited speakers at the annual international JALT conference give additional presentations throughout the country before and after the conference.
Workshop Featuring Professors Gary Barkhuizen and Takaaki Hiratsuka
Join us for an enlightening workshop that delves into the profound global and local applications of narrative inquiry within the realm of language teacher identity research. Narrative inquiry is a meticulous examination of “how individuals employ stories to construct meaning from their experiences in fields of inquiry where comprehending phenomena from the perspectives of those who undergo them is of paramount significance” (Barkhuizen et al., 2014, p. 2). Language teacher identity, on the other hand, encapsulates the manner in which educators perceive themselves as instructors and how they are perceived by others in their role as educators. Throughout this workshop, Professor Barkhuizen and Professor Takaaki Hiratsuka will elucidate the intricacies of narrative inquiry and the concept of language teacher identity. They will underscore the profound advantages of equipping researchers with a deep understanding of narrative inquiry’s fundamental principles in the context of language education. Additionally, they will emphasize the importance of educators being mindful of the evolution of their identities within the specific contexts in which they operate.

Gary Barkhuizen is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. His teaching and research interests are in the areas of language teacher education, teacher and learner identity, study abroad and narrative inquiry. Originally from South Africa, he obtained his MA from Essex University in the UK, and his doctorate from Teachers College, Colombia University. His latest book is Language Teachers Studying Abroad: Identities, Emotions and Disruptions (2022, Multilingual Matters).

Takaaki Hiratsuka is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Ryukoku University in Kyoto, Japan, where he supervises master’s and PhD students, both Japanese and non-Japanese, in related fields of language teacher education and narrative inquiry. His recent book publications include: Narrative Inquiry into Language Teacher Identity: ALTs in the JET program (2022, Routledge), Team Teachers in Japan: Beliefs, Identities, and Emotions (2023, Routledge), and Native-speakerism and Trans-speakerism: Entering a New Era (in press, Cambridge University Press).